Naivt om ChatGPT

I iveren etter å hindre studentar i å jukse skriv ein frustrert lærar:

I’ve been using New Quizzes for years, for both at-home open book homework assignments and for exams, and it’s seeming right now that some of my students are copying and pasting the Quiz questions for their homework assignments into ChatGPT or some other AI, as students who do not perform well on the proctored exams and who at the beginning of the semester got 70-80’s on the quizzes are now getting 100% on an almost weekly basis.  (Even my top students don’t regularly get 100%, even though they are open book, so I’m quite sure these students are using AI to answer the questions.)  Is there a way to make it so that students cannot copy and paste the text from the quizzes?  That would do much to fix the issue, as I doubt they’d be willing to hand type it all into their AI.

Når hen trur at det å hindre kopiering av tekst frå eit spørsmål hindrer studentar i å bruke ChatGPT eller andre hjelpemiddel er denne læraren utruleg naiv. Punktum.


Epostadressa di blir ikkje synleg. Påkravde felt er merka *